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We simply exist to help you educate your children.  We will give grading suggestions, but in the end, it is your responsibility to assign the grades.  We do not have the ability to change the grades you assign and certify with your umbrella school.  


We would appreciate it if you would call us to let us know if your child will not be attending for any reason.  This will help the teachers keep up with students and help us know who should be in the building.  

Dress Code

We ask that above all, Biblical standards of dress are followed.  All students should dress in modest and loosely fitting clothes that do not draw attention to the body.  Any tattoos should be covered.  There should be no holes in clothing above the knee nor excessive wear patterns.  Clothing should not be distracting to the educational process.  Excessive designs or worldly advertising is not acceptable.  All students should maintain personal hygiene and groom themselves daily. 

Study Hall

Students cannot roam the campus freely if they do not have class.  All students must either leave the property (with an adult or permission from a parent or guardian) or report to study hall if they have a free hour.  Study hall rates are $5 per hour.


Electronics are a vital part of education in the 21st century.  We ask that all students bring a tablet, iPad, or laptop with them every day to class.  We also ask that students leave their phones and small electronic devices (including headphones) in their bags at all times.  If there is an emergency, parents should contact the school office.  Students can check their phones during lunch break and after school but should remain on vibrate or silent throughout the day.  


No student should attend school if they have had a fever in the past 24 hours.  If a student tests positive for COVID, they will be readmitted to class no earlier than 3 days after their positive test.  If a student feels sick at school, they should alert the teacher immediately and the school will contact the parent.  If the student has a fever at school, they will be removed from close contact with students, and parents of students that came in close contact will be notified.  

Phone: 615-450-3476

225 E. Main St., Gallatin, TN 37066

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