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How does it Work?
Parents choose the classes that their children need help with and only pay for those classes. Students come to school and take classes with trained teachers and other students just like them.
What do I get?
You get experienced tutors who know their subject matter AND a whole lot more! Each class is combined with technology training, social interactions, spiritual guidance, structured learning, etc!
Mrs. Julia Griffin - Dept. Head
Grammar, Advanced Writing, Literature, Poetry.
Arts Education & Performing Arts
Bethany Trout - Drama, Performance
Stephanie Kiser - Voice, Choir Hannah Carman - Art
Technology Education
Stephen Griffin - Dept. Head
Learning Management Systems, Applications, Keyboarding, Multimedia Design
TBA - Dept. Head
Creation Based, Experiments, Hands-on Learning, Group Projects
Stephen Griffin - Dept. Head
Standard Driven, Real-Time Feedback, ACT/SAT Preparation, Traditional Methodology
Spanish Language
Mrs. Edu Drieger - Dept. Head
Real-Life Experience, Emersion Techniques, Ministry Focused
Stephen K. Griffin - Director
Admissions Office: 615-557-8010
We have developed a partnership with the Hendersonville Royals to offer sports while we grow.
Class Listing
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